How Depression Can Mimic Credit Card Debt and How to Deal Effectively

I have to say that I really like my therapist, and that she gets me and how my mind works, and therapy with her has been so helpful for me. Sometimes, though, she shares an insight with me that speaks to me so well that I feel the need to share it with others. And that happened in our session today.

One of the things I struggle with a lot is feeling negatively about myself, and because of

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Healthy Survival Cooking

I find survivalism very fascinating. Its useful when you go camping or just to save money. But what about when a disaster really strikes? Here’s some tips from a reader on how to prepare healthy food when there is a disaster that affects your food prep abilities.

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When disaster strikes, you may not have the luxury of going on with your everyday cooking

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Look Who We Found!!!


Look who we found!!!!

We were so worried about our dog and the kids were petrified that she’d be hit by a car or something…

An hour ago we got a call from a girl who isn’t a dog person but thought they found her. She sent us this picture of her and I wanted to be doubly sure it was her because we had a few false alarms (never knew there were so many dogs that looked like her) but wasn’t

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Bad News

Yesterday the kids and I were going on a family trip, and from there going away for the weekend. We had a lot planned and were bringing our dog along, but since she wasn’t able to come to some places we were going (like a BBQ for single moms and their families) so I found a friend willing to watch her for a few hours in the city where we were staying.Unfortunately, while we were at the

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Secrets To Have A Frugal Wedding On A Budget

Wedding season has begun, and many of my friends are planning their weddings now. As you all know, weddings can get extremely pricey, often causing large amounts of debt. There are ways, however, to keep down the price. Here’s some tips on a reader on how to do it. 

A wedding can sometimes be a very expensive affair. In recent years, marketing and advertising campaigns have convinced grooms

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Author: Penniless Parenting