Decluttering And Packing Up His Stuff

I mentioned a few months ago that Mike and I were in the process of getting divorced.

It’s really been a huge upheaval in my life for more reasons than one, to put it lightly.

Mike moved out a few months ago, but didn’t take more than the bare minimum with him, since his living conditions were still temporary.

While my current home is nearly twice the size of my last one, it is still quite

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Author: Penniless Parenting

My Visit to the Book Stop for Free Books

Reading is one of my favorite hobbies.

There really is nothing like a good book. In my opinion anyhow.

One of the things that I miss most about living in the States is that locally we don’t have a good public library system. Some parts of the country have better than others, but where I live there is just a small public library, with no options of reserving books, no card catalog, and of

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Author: Penniless Parenting

How to Make Your Princess Look Amazing as a Flower Girl Without Breaking the Bank

As one of the first in both my family and Mike’s family to have kids, my children were both flower girls and ring bearers at our siblings’ weddings. Here’s some tips from a reader on how to keep down the cost while not detracting from this special day.

Flower girls and ring-bearers are the cutest little munchkins that add sweetness to the uber-romantic event of a wedding. It is a little

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Gluten Free Pancit Bihon Recipe — Filipino Rice Noodle Stir Fry

My friend Juli, of cooking blog Pandemonium Noshery, who previously shared her recipe for curried carrot soup with us, taught me about this dish called pancit bihon. I was lucky enough that I got to have her make it for me one time when she visited my house, and it was very tasty. As Juli writes, it is quite versatile and easy, which meant that when I was looking through my fridge today for

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Author: Penniless Parenting

7 Ways Being Treated for Alcohol Addiction Makes You a Better Parent

7 Ways Being Treated for Alcohol Addiction Makes You a Better Parent

I enjoy an alcoholic drink now and then. But for some people, alcohol is a problem, something that they are addicted to, and it wrecks your life. Here’s some thoughts from a reader on why it is imperative to get treated for your alcohol addiction especially when you’re a parent.

Dealing with an alcohol addiction can be

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Easy Terrific Gluten Free Vegan Pizza Recipe

I made pizza with my kids a few times recently, and my kids have loved the recipe I’ve been using. Today when we went to make pizza, I decided to have Ike practice reading the recipe I was using, and he noted, as we went through the recipe, that I wasn’t actually following the recipe I had written. “You should rewrite the recipe the way you actually make it, so that other people can also have

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Author: Penniless Parenting

How to Save Money While Getting Your Prom Dress

Prom is a special time, but the dresses for it can be especially expensive. Here’s some ideas from a reader as to how to keep the costs down.

Prom night is usually very intense and emotional moments in a high school student’s life. It is that moment that they conclude basic education and step up to the real world as adults. For these, it is very important for this transition moment to be made

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Author: Penniless Parenting