The Government’s Vaccine Push; Businesses Struggle With Reopening Rules

To speed up the process of developing a coronavirus vaccine, the Trump Administration says the government will invest in manufacturing the top candidates even before one is proven to work.

As parts of the country reopen, different rules apply across state and even city lines, leaving business owners trying to figure things out for themselves, ‘All Things Considered’ host Ari Shapiro reports.

Demand for goods and services plunged in April according to new data. NPR’s Stacey Vanek Smith of The Indicator reports on pent-up demand and what that means for the future of the U.S. economy.

The Navajo Nation has one of the highest rates of COVID-19 deaths per capita in the United States. NPR’s Code Switch podcast examines why Native Americans have been so hard hit by the coronavirus. Listen to their episode on race and COVID-19 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and NPR One.

Listen to Throughline’s episode about the origins of the N95 mask on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and NPR One.

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Whistleblower: U.S. Lost Valuable Time, Warns Of ‘Darkest Winter In Modern History’

Career government scientist-turned-whistleblower Rick Bright testified before Congress Thursday that without a stronger federal response to the coronavirus, 2020 could be the “darkest winter in modern history.”

Schools might not open everywhere in the fall, but some experts say keeping kids home is a health risk, too.

Apple and Google want to develop technology to track the spread of COVID-19 while protecting individuals’ privacy, while some states like North Dakota are developing their own apps.

Plus, tips on social distancing from someone who’s been doing it for 50 years: Billy Barr’s movie recommendations spreadsheet.

Listen to the NPR Politics Podcast’s recap of today’s hearing on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and NPR One.

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Public Health Vs. Politics; Lessons From An Anti-Mask Protest

The U.S. has more coronavirus deaths than any country in the world. Dr. Anthony Fauci says the number of American fatalities is likely an under count.

Nearly 40% of households making less than $40,000 a year lost a job in March. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said on Wednesday that additional government spending may be necessary to avoid long-lasting economic fallout.

A small but vocal minority of people are pushing back against public health measures that experts say are life-saving. It’s not the first time Americans have resisted government measures during a pandemic. Listen to Embedded’s episode on the backlash on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and NPR One.

President Trump has prioritized getting sports running again after the coronavirus lockdown. But NPR’s Scott Detrow reports the idea is facing logistical and safety challenges.

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Testing, Reopening Schools, Vaccines: Fauci And Others Testify

In a Senate committee hearing on Tuesday, Chair Lamar Alexander of Tennessee asked Dr. Anthony Fauci whether coronavirus treatments or a vaccine could be developed in time to allow college students to return to school in the fall. Fauci said that “would be a bridge too far.”

There’s a full recap of today’s hearing on The NPR Politics Podcast. listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and NPR One.

New York is trying to build what could become one of the largest contact tracing programs for COVID-19. Starting this month, public health officials there are looking to hire as many as 17,000 investigators.

Nursing homes account for nearly half of COVID-19 deaths in some states. NPR’s Ina Jaffe reports on why nursing homes have been so vulnerable to the virus and what could be done to improve them in the future.

Plus, a professional musician sidelined by the coronavirus becomes a one-man marching band for his neighborhood.

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How To Stay Safe As States Reopen; The Latest on Masks

Democrats want another stimulus plan, but Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin says the Trump administration wants to wait before providing any further aid.

As more states ease stay-at-home orders, NPR’s Allison Aubrey reports on ways to stay safe while seeing friends, going to church and returning to work. The CDC still recommends people wear masks.

The coronavirus pandemic has had a disproportionately large effect on black Americans. Lawmakers and local officials are looking for ways to make sure the communities hit hardest are getting the right information about the virus.

In Life Kit’s latest episode, Sesame Street’s Grover answers kids’ questions about the coronavirus on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and NPR One.

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Q & A: Home Cooking And Environmental Impact

Chef Samin Nosrat, author of ‘Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat,’ answers listener cooking questions. NPR’s science correspondent discusses the pandemic’s environmental impact.

These excerpts come from NPR’s nightly radio show about the coronavirus crisis, ‘The National Conversation with All Things Considered.’ In this episode:

NPR Science Desk correspondent Lauren Sommer talks about the environmental impact of the economic slowdown
Samin Nosrat, author and host of the Netflix series ‘Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat,’ offers inspiration to those who find themselves short on ingredients or cooking for one

If you have a question, you can share it at, or tweet with the hashtag, #NPRConversation.

We’ll return with a regular episode of Coronavirus Daily on Monday.

Antibodies And Immunity; Why Even Health Care Workers Are Losing Jobs

Most people infected with the coronavirus develop antibodies in response. NPR’s Richard Harris reports that scientists are trying to figure out if that means people who’ve been exposed are immune from reinfection and, if so, for how long.

The Labor Department reported 20.5 million jobs were lost in April, putting the jobless rate at its highest level since the Great Depression.

Health care workers are among those hard hit by the economy. Many are losing work as hospitals struggle financially due to a decrease in non-emergency visits and procedures.

Only a few states have enough tests to ensure safe reopening. One of them, Tennessee, has taken a unique approach to testing: Its state government pays for every single test, no questions asked.

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Track Your State’s Testing; What A Possible Mutation Means

Testing for the coronavirus is still falling short in many places in the U.S. How is your state doing? Track it using a tool from NPR.

A mutated strain of the coronavirus may have helped it spread more widely, according to a new preliminary study that’s getting a lot of attention even before it’s peer-reviewed.

Despite Trump administration claims that the coronavirus may have accidentally escaped from a lab in China, scientists it’s more likely the coronavirus spread naturally. Listen to Short Wave’s episode about why, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and NPR One, and explore a second episode about the likelihood the virus originated in bats.

One of the deadliest outbreaks of the coronavirus has been at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home in Massachusetts. Officials are investigating what happened there.

Plus, experiments are undeway to see if dogs can be trained to sniff out the coronavirus. Meanwhile, U.S. animal shelters have reported having all their dogs fostered during the lock down.

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More Americans Are Getting Tested, But Experts Warn Of Second Wave

The White House Coronavirus Task Force is not disbanding, but instead shifting its focus to “opening up our country,” according to President Trump.

Testing in the U.S. has been rising steadily, but experts say more is still needed and the US should be prepared for a second wave.

Several states are allowing restaurants to reopen and dining to resume, with limited capacity. Owners are struggling to figure out how they can reopen and turn a profit during the pandemic.

The United Kingdom now has the second most lives lost to the coronavirus pandemic, behind the United States. NPR’s Frank Langfitt reports on what’s happening in Britain.

Plus, an 11-year-old wrote a letter to thank her mail carrier. Postal workers from all over the country responded.

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When To See a Doctor; Policing During The Pandemic

California, one of the first states to shutdown, joins a growing list of states that are trying to restart their economies. Customers around the country are deciding if they are comfortable starting to shop again.

Law enforcement is adapting to what it means to police during a pandemic.

A fever and dry cough are no longer the only official symptoms of COVID-19. NPR’s Maria Godoy has tips for when even milder symptoms, like headaches and loss of smell and taste, should prompt you to seek testing.

Plus, scientists on a research vessel in Arctic have been isolated from the coronavirus. Some are anticipating what it will be like to return to a society in lock down.

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