How IVA or Individual Voluntary Agreements Can Ease Your Financial Load

Any frugality or finance expert will tell you that debt is bad. You shouldn’t have debt. Debt is something to be avoided at all costs.
But sometimes debt is unavoidable. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. Or sometimes the debt is from the past, and while you are avoiding making any new debt, the debt load that you have is still there.
The worst part about debt is not the debt

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Why Senior Centers Are Great For the Golden Years

This post on Senior Centers by Nancy Evans make the golden years sound so fun!

Growing old shouldn’t be something to dread, but instead, it should be a time that you look forward to. When you retire, you will have so much more free time to do the things that you want to do. The kids are out of the house, and now you have so much free time on your hands to pick up a new hobby or to continue

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Easy Onion Fish Recipe — Allergy Friendly, Paleo, Gluten Free

I’m feeling under the weather. Thank you cold and wet winter.
But even if you’re not feeling good, the family (and you) still needs to eat.
Not everything yummy takes a lot of effort; this fish recipe is one of my go to recipes, even when I’m not sick, and is quite delicious and just about the easiest thing to make. I included this in my prep ahead meals because of its versatility; it goes

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Enhancing Your Skills And Bank Balance With A Cyber Security Course

For a while I was living pretty much paycheck to paycheck, and even then, struggling, so I did what I could to lower our expenses as much as I possibly could. At some point I realized that it was much more productive to see what I could do to increase my revenue. If you’re looking for ways to bring in more money, consider going into cyber security. It is probably even something adaptable to a

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Fixing My Winter Coat For Free

I really love my coat. After years and years of wearing first whatever my mother bought me, and then whatever fit me in the store, or hand me downs from others. I decided that I was sick of wearing a coat that wasn’t my taste. I didn’t want to wear a coat that made me look like a fluffy marshmallow. Or a men’s coat. So I bought myself a coat online that looked great… only it wasn’t warm enough;

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Author: Penniless Parenting

Oklahoma Courts Now Offer RSS Newsfeeds

You can now receive Oklahoma appellate court opinions and Oklahoma Attorney General opinions via RSS newsfeeds at no charge. I believe Oklahoma is the third state to do this, after West Virginia and Louisiana. You may get more information and…

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Author: Jim Calloway