Self Reflection Questions for When You Need A Moment of Clarity

Have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like your life has become stagnant and nothing seems to be working out? You are not able to create anything you’d like to accomplish and just feel absolutely useless?

Yes! I am talking about that self-appreciation phase where you love the concept of self-doubt and self-loathing. Well, one thing is for sure, you are not alone.

Around two years back, I met these super talented bunch of musicians when I joined my new school who I now refer to as my friends. Initially, I was absolutely in awe of each one of them. The fact that I am a self-entitled car singer might have had a small role to play. Well, just a tiny one.

We used to sit in a group and have our own little concert. And it was so much fun until… it wasn’t!

On one hand, I was having a Gala time and on the flip side, I was questioning myself. And believe me, these weren’t the questions that would’ve brought me any awareness. They were full of self-doubt, judgment, and conclusion — and not a very good one at that.

I was doing the job of being a teenager very well.

I used to ask myself one question:

What is my talent?

It seemed like a question, but it wasn’t. It was a judgmental statement about myself with a question mark at the end to help myself feel better about introspecting rather than concluding. Since that wasn’t enough to satisfy the quota of self-deprecation, I added a more fixed point of views to it.

I concluded that particular talent is only a talent when it can be shown to other people.

After a couple of days, I decided that I’ve had enough of this crappy feeling and I wasn’t going to choose it anymore! So, I looked for the answers from people who knew me. Obviously, people knew me better than I knew myself.

After getting answers like you’re good at art, speaking, giving advice, I finally did what I should’ve done since the beginning. I asked myself what talents I have that I have not acknowledged yet. I wondered what secret hidden talents I have that I’m not even aware of.

We often come across self-reflection questions like “What is the purpose of our life?”, “What am I good at?” or “What is my worth?”

When that happens to you, consider the following tips:

1) Ask And Introspect

Instead of going through all the process that I went through, please choose to ask yourself questions because no one knows you better than you. Just asking a simple question can give you an awareness or an insight. Personally, what I used to do was ask a question with an expected outcome or conclusion.

Moreover, it does not always show up the way you expect it to. Don’t run away when it doesn’t look like the way you imagined it to be.

2) Acknowledge And Be Grateful

Most of the time, we don’t acknowledge the changes that we’ve created in our lives. Why?

You would know if this applies to you. However, let me tell you how one of my favorite people in the world taught me what acknowledgment does.

It truly opens the space of gratefulness for our capacities and eliminates the space of judgment for ourselves. The fun fact is that we don’t always choose gratefulness.

Is now the time for you to acknowledge and be grateful for yourself?

If yes, please take out a few minutes of your day to acknowledge the things in your life. One of the most recommended ways to practice this is to maintain a gratitude journal. If keeping one seems like a pain in the neck, write your thoughts anywhere. If you don’t have the time to note them down, just tell yourself mentally.

3) Have Fun

Last but not the least, don’t expect too much out of yourself. Try out new things and enjoy them. I know that sounds tough but it isn’t!

How much fun can you have?

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Author: Janavi Chawla

9 Sleep Hacks to Elevate Your Mood and Improve Your Health

Lack of sleep is hazardous to your physical and mental health. It’s connected to a variety of health-related risks, including cardiovascular disease, depression, and car accidents.

Even though adults generally need at least seven hours of sleep each night, many Americans sleep for a shorter amount of time. The reasons are varied and include certain medical conditions, a high workload, elevated levels of stress, and a lack of effective sleep habits or strategies.

In many cases, using effective sleep strategies can improve the chances of falling asleep on time and enjoying a full night of rest. What are some of the hacks for better sleep you can try?

Follow a Bedtime Routine

sleeping routine

Bedtime routines aren’t just for kids. Adults benefit from sticking to a set of habits that will help ease them from wakefulness to sleep. Over time, these habits become a signal to the brain and body that you’re ready to turn in.

What might your bedtime routine look like?

• Try to prepare for sleep at roughly the same time each day
• Switch from alert mode to bedtime mode by turning off lights or relying on gentle lighting, such as a bedside lamp.
• Enjoy a relaxing activity. Some examples are taking a warm shower, listening to calm music, and reading in bed, assuming that what you’re reading isn’t disturbing, horrifying, or highly suspenseful.
• From about an hour before your bedtime, try to stay away from screens, particularly your smartphone or computer. If you absolutely need to check your phone, make an effort to avoid social media platforms or other sites that can suck you in and possibly make you angry or stressed out.

Watch What You Eat or Drink

Try not to drink anything caffeinated for about four to six hours before you plan on going to sleep. Food or drinks that are high in sugar can also keep you up and perhaps trigger cravings in the middle of the night.

If you think that hunger will disrupt your sleep, you can enjoy a snack before bedtime. It can be a piece of fruit or a slice of bread with some peanut butter. A heavy meal, however, may lead to acid reflux.

Regulate the Lighting in Your Home

Even in the middle of the night, light may be streaming through your windows from streetlights, passing cars, and nearby houses or commercial buildings. Wearing a comfortable eye mask and hanging up blackout curtains are two strategies for keeping your sleep environment darker.

sleep rest

The type of light you’re exposed to can also affect the quality of your sleep. Light that’s rich in shorter wavelengths is thought to be especially disruptive before your bedtime. This blue light may lead to lower melatonin levels. It can come from your tablet devices, smartphones, TVs, and LED lights.

Along with avoiding heavy screen use before bed, one solution is to install tunable LED lighting. It’ll allow you to change the color composition of the light whenever you want.

Regulate Your Bedroom Temperature

If your room is too cold or too hot and stuffy, you’ll probably struggle to sleep well. Air conditioning, fans, or leaving the window open a crack can help.

Check that you aren’t burying yourself under unnecessarily thick blankets or too many layers. Another solution is to use thermal curtains, which can help you save on energy costs while maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.

Engage in Meditation

Calming your mind is one of the best ways to fall asleep. If you want to try meditation, there are a variety of techniques or practices that may prove useful to you.

Yoga Nidra, which you can perform while lying on your back, can bring deep relaxation to your body and possibly offer other health benefits. Basic breathing exercises also help with stress relief and sleep.

Another solution is to focus on calming visual imagery. For example, you can picture yourself on a quiet beach or on a bench in a peaceful garden.

Pick a Good Mattress

A mattress suited to your individual needs can prevent recurrent pain, discomfort, and interrupted sleep. Rely on reputable buying guides to help you with your selection.

See Also: 10 Easy Steps To Buying A New Mattress

Cut Down on Noise

Car alarms and loud neighbors are among the noise sources that can wreck your attempts at sleep. Some people find earplugs helpful or they use noise-canceling earbuds, headphones or headbands.

Machines that generate white noise may also be helpful. Another strategy is to hang an acoustic blanket over a window or shared wall to serve as a noise absorber.

Try Sleep Supplements

Before taking any supplements, it’s important to talk to your doctor. You need to check that the dose is healthy and that the supplement isn’t likely to interfere with any medications you’re taking. Two examples of sleep supplements that may be effective are melatonin and valerian.

Monitor Your Sleep With an App

Some people find apps useful in assessing the quality of their sleep. For example, Sleep Cycle will track the phases of your sleep and reportedly wake you up in the morning in a way that makes it easier for you to get out of bed.

Before using a sleep app, make sure you understand the limits of what it can do. The claims that an app company makes may not be backed by substantive scientific research, and apps don’t always collect accurate data.

What Works for You?

If none of the strategies here are working for you or if you have reason to suspect that a medical problem is disrupting your sleep, you should turn to a doctor for additional advice.

In general, you’ll find that building healthy habits in other areas of your life can improve the quality of your sleep. If you’re enjoying a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and finding beneficial ways to relieve stress, you’ll likely have an easier time sleeping.

That said, are there any strategies you’re using for a more restful night and an easier time falling asleep? Feel free to share your tips.

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Author: Jacky Lou

Is Workplace Drug Testing Changing?

Back in 2012, positive drug test rates among American employees were just under 5%, hitting a 30-year low. Today, 88% of employers conduct drug testing at any point in the tenure of their employees. And as marijuana legalization continues to move forward, more employers are considering it critical for their business and employees. However, there are few business owners who are considering in eliminating it.

The Upside To Drug Testing

Workplaces that practice regular drug testing enjoy improved morale, communication, and safety. There’s also reduced employee turnover and lowered insurance costs. Employees have minimal chances of getting injured because of a mistake from an impaired co-worker. That eliminates insurance claims that could skyrocket all of their premiums as a result.

  • 83% of employers consider marijuana use as a cause for poor-quality new hires and job candidates
  • 86% are concerned about marijuana making its way into the workplace
  • 86% worry that further legalization can boost office operating costs from workers comp claims and higher health insurance costs, even potential litigation issues from legal uncertainty

Limits To Workplace Drug Testing

Workplace drug testing isn’t here to fight the war on drugs. Instead, it works only to cultivate and maintain a healthy and safe work environment. Unfortunately, drug testing alone still doesn’t guarantee this.

As of 2004, one in six companies has actually admitted to the use of samples to assess new hires for genetic factors without the candidates knowing it. Today, employees are protected by the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) and in most states, it is illegal for employers to run genetic testing on employees.

Legally, all drug test results are protected health information and must be kept confidential. With that, employers may not share this information or any other medical information this test may reveal. However, employers do reserve the right to perform a drug test under certain conditions and it’s very likely that your own company operates under one of the following policies:

  • Upon hiring, employers may do a drug test before taking on a new employee, but must also test every incoming employee
  • Under reasonable suspicion that is based on facts, not speculation
  • After an accident but policies cannot discourage reporting
  • Randomly, but accompanied with a prior notice

Many workers are unfortunately reluctant to participate in drug testing. Taking it as a hint their employer don’t have trust in them, they consider it an invasion of privacy or out of concerns for misuse of a test material. Even workers who know they will pass still may feel uneasy.

Drug Testing Isn’t Foolproof

From an employee’s perspective, it is well within their rights to refuse a drug test, though this is unlikely to be in their best interest. Refusing a drug test leads to the risk of an employee being terminated and losing any claim for unemployment benefits.

The key is to not refuse a drug test and instead, understand the rights associated with such tests. In fact, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protects employees who request leave time in order to enter rehab before submitting to and failing a drug test.

To get through a drug test as painlessly as possible, be sure to disclose any medications you’re taking before submitting to a drug test. Be aware that certain foods and supplements may trigger a false positive:

  • CBD oil does not contain enough THC to get you high, but it could show up on a drug test
  • Skip the poppy seed muffins on test day; though they may trigger a false positive, the effects of this only last less than a day
  • Certain antihistamines, pain relievers, and decongestants may lead to a false positive as well

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) steps in when it comes to prescriptions showing up on drug tests, protecting the confidentiality and health of employees. Prescriptions like anti-depressants and stimulants may show up on a drug test and even possibly trigger a false positive. Prior disclosure of these medication can avoid this.

After verifying your legitimate prescription, these medications will neither trigger a positive result or even show up on the screening, protecting your rights and privacy.

Changing Marijuana Laws Muddle The Issue

In 2017, a Massachusetts court ruled that the Americans with Disabilities Act protects individuals using medical marijuana from termination if that termination was solely based on marijuana usage. Limitations of ADA protection exists, however, only in areas of work performance and safety.

  • Employees must be a able to perform tasks, responsibilities, and essential job functions with reasonable accommodations
  • The side effects of medications or conditions must not pose a safety risk to oneself or others in the workplace

Drug testing is only as effective as the policies behind it. Understanding your rights as an employee and an employer ensure that due diligence is done to maintain legality, privacy, and safety of all parties involved.

Infographic by US Drug Test Centers

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Author: Brian Wallace

How to Cope with The First 90 Days of Addiction Recovery

The most critical and challenging period of addiction recovery, according to the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, is the first 90 days.

It is during this period that a newly recovering addict is overwhelmed with rebuilding his life from the ground up. This includes facing disregarded responsibilities, fears, and emotions from the past. The pressure and the anxiety from these overwhelming tasks often make the recovering patient susceptible to relapse, thus requires the most help.

The first few days of addiction recovery are also quite challenging because the individual is now far from the sympathetic and familiar environment of his alcohol rehab facility. This kind of situation breeds a misconception that by simply taking away drugs and alcohol from the recovering addict, sobriety can be maintained for a long time.

Though it is important to create a temptation-free environment, it is just one of the many steps toward sobriety. Substance abuse is actually one of the symptoms of a more complicated problem. Without treatment and support to resolve the root causes of the abuse, all efforts towards recovery will be in vain.

To ensure proper coping and remain 90 days sober, these proven and tested tips can be used as a guide.

Draft a schedule for yourself

In a drug or alcohol rehab facility, everything is scheduled and structured. From meal times, leisure activities to counseling sessions, everything is based on a specific schedule. It will be very easy to fall into your old patterns and routines if your day is not planned.

To stay sober, it is best to create a structure in your day. This task may be daunting at first but will prove very beneficial later on.

Keep your schedule simple. Never take the word “structured” to also mean “busy.” It simply means your day is planned. Also, in writing your to-do lists, make sure to set realistic ones. Unrealistic to-do lists only lead to stress, negative thoughts, and failure.

Never set yourself up for failure. Instead, prioritize by choosing the 3 most important tasks per day. By choosing a small number of daily tasks, you can focus your effort in accomplishing them.

Make sure to attend recovery meetings and to surround yourself with supportive people

According to Dr. Rudolf H. Moos, Ph.D. and Dr. Christine Timko, Ph. D., authors of the book Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment, it is through attending recovery meetings that you get to build yourself a supportive network. So, make sure to never miss one.

have fun with friends

Take note of that unwritten rule “90 in 90,” which means to attend 90 meetings in 90 days at the start of the recovery. The ratio behind this unwritten rule is that the first 90 days is the most challenging for every recovering addict. This is the time that he needs support to maintain his recovery.

If you can’t complete these 90 meetings in 90 days, don’t worry. The goal here is to attend as many meetings as you can. Also, remember that it will take some time before you can emotionally connect with others in the meeting. Take your time to feel comfortable with the group.

Apart from that, you can talk to family and friends who are supportive of your sobriety goal. The support that they can give you will greatly help you bear the burden of recovery.

Take care of yourself

According to a study conducted by the National Offender Management Service in 2011, self-care is the number one priority on your path toward recovery.

Start a healthy eating habit and also encourage yourself to sleep 8 to 9 hours a night. Remember that relapse is triggered by hunger and tiredness, so keep yourself nourished and well-rested.

A very good practice is to make a meal plan and prepare it ahead of time. Store healthy snacks and meals in your refrigerator so that you can just grab a bite when you’re famished.

Also, make sure to take care of your hygiene while making sure you are spiritually and emotionally well and away from abusive substances.

Set short-term and long-term goals

Though it is good to take one day at a time, it is also beneficial to set realistic short-term and long-term goals for yourself. These goals help create hope and also build excitement as to what good will happen next if you commit yourself to them.


You can start with a goal like staying sober for 30 days. Then, make it 60 days, and so on. These are simple yet worthwhile goals that will give you a sense of satisfaction every time you achieve it.

On the other hand, it is also good if you can set a goal for something that you have long been wanting to do but cannot because you were addicted. Save money for that holiday trip you have longed dreamed of. Save up for a dream vacation as a gift for yourself on your 1st sobriety anniversary.

Develop an attitude of gratitude

In all these, always count your blessings than your miseries. Each moment in the addiction recovery is something that you should be grateful for. It is helpful to keep a “Gratitude Journal” where you write all the things that you are thankful for every day.

See Also: Why You Should Keep Your Journal Positive

Keeping in mind and practicing these strategies will help you manage your recovery journey well. If you’re suffering from relapse or if you need help in searching for a drug or alcohol rehab facility, seek help from an addiction specialist immediately. Reclaim your life today!

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Author: Adam Durnham

4 Unexpected Ways Playing Board Games Can Improve Your Well-Being

Have you ever heard that you need to exercise your mind as well as your body?

Play is an important part of human development, but adults are notoriously bad at making time for it. Finding time to relax is important to our health and even our sanity.

Lucky for us, board games have been shown to reduce stress and have a myriad of unexpected benefits.

Some board games, like Nine Men’s Morris, are so old that experts aren’t even sure where or when people started playing them. From peasants to pharaohs, people have been playing board games for nearly 5,000 years.

Here’s why you should carry on the tradition:

Deepen relationships with family and friends

You might have some difficulty convincing your in-laws to play Rock Band with you, but what about a game of Smess?

Board games are a method of play that spans generations. In an age when face-to-face communication is increasingly rare, board games demand engagement and attentiveness.

People crave connection. There’s a reason that board game cafes are growing in popularity. Cooperation and competition, sometimes at the same time, are vital to forming relationships.

Coincidentally, cooperation and competition are also the founding principles of board games around the world.

Improve logic, memory, and creativity

The very best board games combine luck and skill in a way that demands creativity, logic, and attention to detail.

As Einstein once said, “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

And playing better than anyone else takes constant planning.

When should you cooperate with your opponents? Should you move 11 spaces or twelve? Should you give up one piece to gain two back later?

Your brain is just another part of your body. When you exercise it, it gets stronger.

Reduce the risk of cognitive decline

A mentally active lifestyle has been shown to reduce the risk of developing dementia. Stephen Hawking once went as far as attributing his survival to keeping an active mind.

Crosswords or Sudoku are mental exercises, but board games have the added benefit of being social. Loneliness is common among seniors and social isolation has been linked to cognitive decline and the development of long-term illnesses.

A game that blends fun and strategy, like Yahtzee or Catan, is a great way to keep your mind (and hands) nimble.

Learn to win—and lose—with grace

Board games allow us to deal with conflict in a controlled environment. They’re basically harmless, miniature power struggles. This is especially helpful for children (or the uber-competitive), as they often need to be taught that losing isn’t the end of the world.

Failure is unavoidable, so don’t just let your kids win. Incorporating games with a component of luck levels the playing field between players of different ages. Playing a completely luck-based game like Chutes and Ladders might even give parents the opportunity to demonstrate how to lose gracefully.

Another option is to play a cooperative game like 5 Minute Dungeon. In a cooperative game, everyone works together, so everyone can share in the high of victory.


Board games are a perfect way to show adults and children alike that failure is inevitable but also temporary. If you lose, there’s always another round to be played.

To some, idle play might seem like a waste of time, but board games are anything but that. They have many benefits, from reducing stress to teaching vital negotiation skills and much more. So, when you’re trying to convince your friends to come over for a wild night of board games, just tell them it’s for their own good.

See Also: 10 Tips to Develop Both Sides of Your Brain

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Author: Sara Sajwaj

6 Effective Tricks to Make Your Apartment Look Bigger and Spacious

Living in an apartment unit isn’t new to everyone, especially those people living in the heart of the city. It’s very convenient since it gives you easy access to shopping malls, department stores, restaurants, and most importantly, your workplace.

There are a lot of apartment providers that will give you many options. In fact, there are various mobile applications designed to help you find an apartment of your preference location-wise. Another important thing to consider when choosing an apartment, aside from safety and comfort, is its size.

Below are some really great tips on how to make your apartment look bigger.

Place Lightings in the Right Places

Shades make your apartment look small. Give proper illumination in every part of your apartment by installing light bulbs. If your apartment is sufficiently illuminated, it gives you an illusion that it is big and spacious.

There are different techniques to achieve this goal. You can position a bulb at the corner of the room evenly projecting its light to its front wall. Choice of color is also important not only because it makes the room spacious but it also sets how warm should you keep your apartment on a specific season, especially during winter.

Choose bulbs in light colors. Make sure that they are enough to illuminate every room and to enlighten the mood of the entire apartment.

Install Sliding Doors

When you open one of your rooms, a typical door consumes a lot of space.

If your apartment is small, it’s not wise to use the flush or panel types of doors which are common to homeowners. The sliding door is a better choice for small apartments. It doesn’t consume that much space when you open it. Hence, it helps make your apartment look spacious and big.

Mirrors and Glass Furniture

Many interior designers and even engineers have used mirrors and glasses in building and renovating homes. These materials show reflections on the other parts of the room. Hence, it’s a good way of giving you the impression that your apartment has a lot of space.

Put big framed mirrors in the living and dining room as well as in the bedroom. Also, purchase some pieces of furniture that have glass designs to help you achieve this goal.

Choose Light Paint Colors for Your Wall

The paint color on your wall is an important factor when maximizing the space inside your apartment. Just like lightings, a dark shade will tighten the area even more. Choose light paint colors like white, dirty white, powder or sky blue, soft gray, and other similar shades.

Use Multi-Purpose Furniture

Keeping all your stuff in the living room or your bedroom gives you a snag sometimes. For a small apartment, sparing a space for a storage room is almost impossible to happen. You’re always maximizing the area to keep the order and cleanliness inside your apartment.

Multi-purpose furniture is a solution to your problem. You can purchase it in a furniture shop or ask the shop to have it customized according to your storage needs. You can choose a chair in the living room that has space under the cushion so you can store something there or a table that has shelves under it where you can save important stuff for safety.

Put Shelves and Cabinets Near the Ceiling to Maximize Space

Installing shelves and cabinets near the ceiling is an effective way of storing your stuff in the apartment. It doesn’t consume much space and it gives you easy access and retrieval. You can have it installed in the kitchen or dining area to store kitchen wares. You can also have it in the bedroom to store unused blankets, comforters, and the like.

You’ll surely save so much space if you have this at your apartment. You can contact an experienced carpenter to do the job for you. That way, you’ll be able to start organizing your apartment and putting anything in order.


As you work hard every day to defray your daily expenses and to save up for your future, you deserve an apartment that you can call your home. It might not be as big as your house in your hometown, but it’s your home now in the city and it deserves your care and attention.

Since apartments are not that big, you can apply some techniques discussed above to maximize the amount of space you have. Start renovating your apartment now and improve your stay every single day.

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Author: Zach McGavin

16 Great Reasons to Meditate That’ll Convince You to Start Now

Not only the monks or the devotees of Lord Shiva meditate. You don’t have to belong to a specific religion nor convert into an ascetic to meditate.

There are many definitions of meditation by distinct people, but I feel this is where we are wrong. We cannot define meditation because it’s a different experience for every individual. And so, we should not compare those experiences.

The general impression of meditation is attributed to early mornings, closed eyes, natural environment, cross folded legs, and focusing on one object or deep breaths.

yoga self worth

Yes, most of us think that way and that interpretation is not totally wrong. However, those things are not entirely about meditation but mindfulness.

Now, if you ask me the best techniques to meditate, I’m sorry but I don’t have an answer to that. It is because you are asking the wrong person.

You know who the ideal individual is?

To your surprise, it is none other than you.

I know my way of meditation, the phenomenon which makes me blissful. You need to find your own course!

You need to attain that state and you have to find the best way to do that.

But why is meditation important?

We know that the necessities of living for a physical body are food, clothes, and shelter. Similarly, the basic necessity for the soul’s healthy existence is meditation. It is not a want but a need.

Let me present to you some good reasons why you need to meditate and what its benefits are:

To become your mind’s controller

Over-thinking has turned into one of the biggest reasons for a person’s downfall. Meditation makes you the controller of your mind. It enables you to get rid of the unwanted and negative thoughts.

To increase the feel-quotient

how to find happiness within yourself

You can’t think of happiness; you can only feel it.  Meditation enables you to feel more aware of the present which is the key to happiness.

To utilize your mental capabilities

When you meditate, you stay fresh and boosted. Your mind fatigues less, enabling you to extract its fullest potential.

To push the boundaries of your comfort zone

A meditated mind does not fear the new but welcomes the change. It keeps challenging the boundaries of your comfort zone, enhancing your personal and professional growth.

To create lifetime memories

Meditation helps you feel the awareness in the present moment. When your physical and your mental body are at the same place, you create a memory out of every moment.

To convert sympathy into compassion

helping others

Meditation enables you to act more so you convert your thoughts into action. Whenever you feel sympathetic towards a person, a meditated mind tries to convert that sympathy into compassion i.e. doing something for the same.

To become mindful of what you feed

The awareness of a meditated mind helps you observe what, when, and how much you eat. This way, you stay fit and healthy.

To feel blessed

Meditation teaches you the biggest lesson which is the ‘appreciation of the now’. There is no comparison and competition with others. You are content with who you are and what you have.

To stay away from intoxication

Meditation keeps you high on life by the buzz created by it. You don’t want to be high on alcohol or any other form of intoxication.

To get rid of suffering and sorrow

You love more and attach less via meditation. It enables you to see everything from a higher level. It reduces the let-go time in case of misery inflicted by loss and failures.

To maintain healthy personal relationships

When you meditate, there is a transparency between your physical and mental appearance. Not only are you true to yourself but also to others. Your friends may be fewer, but friendship lasts for a lifetime.

To stop judging others

Meditation enables you to love more and judge less. And when you don’t judge others, you break the illusion of getting judged by them.

To stay away from negativity

No wonder, the awareness in the present is a gateway to positivity. You stress less and you become less prone to negativity.

To express your feelings better

Meditation activates your conscious mind and awakens your righteous self. It enables you to convey your feelings better. Not only positivity is well-expressed but it also helps you to flush out the negativity via expressing.

To become self-aware

Meditation helps you to explore your inside world. It enhances your quality of living. You keep on improving as an individual. As a result, you ride high in your inner-self attributes.

To explore your passion

When you meditate, you explore your inner-self. You become self-aware. You discover your zeal, the thing which you love to do. Lucky are the ones who get to recognize their passion.

If you ask me in materialistic terms,

Why settle for a scooter when you have the means to buy yourself a Mercedes?
Why die like the majority when you belong to the few?
And why settle with extracting less when you can extract the full potential of the mind?

Let me tell you my way of meditating …

Everyone has their own way. My course of meditation is writing while yours might be different. It can be dancing, singing, praying, running, painting, reading or anything else. Whatever it is, it’s your very own way of enjoying solitude.

Let me just tell you, meditation is my mental body’s favorite meal! You can savor it, too.
But it is you who has to identify how to relish it.

You know why it is difficult to relish it?

We are living in a stressful environment where competition begins at home. Negativity surrounds us in the form of people and situations. The poor mind, always accompanied by thoughts, gets attracted to the outside negativity. Finally, a negative thought pops inside your mind, which lays the foundation to attract other negative energies.

But, always remember:

When positivity lives inside, we can cut the chord of the outside negativity. The tool used to cut that chord is nothing but meditation!!!

The Role of Meditation in Happiness

You don’t have to pass an entrance test to be happy. Blessed with the necessities of food, clothes, shelter, you become eligible for happiness.

I have seen people who were content working day-night for bread and butter.
I have met another set of people who are miles away from happiness sitting on a recliner by the beach-side.

The mind is the most powerful tool of a human being. It is full of thoughts and those thoughts take us to various places. We meet many characters and face various situations.

But the irony is that only our mental body is traveling while our physical body is right here. This imbalance is due to stress, negativity in our lives, and overthinking. So, let us meditate to slow down, restrict the flow of thoughts, savor the present, set up awareness, and activate the conscious mind to be happy.

Do you meditate?

If not, explore the experience. Good luck!

The post 16 Great Reasons to Meditate That’ll Convince You to Start Now appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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Author: Amanpreet Singh

The Very Slow Movie Player shows a film over an entire year

It seems someone took Every Frame a Painting literally: The Very Slow Movie Player is a device that turns cinema into wallpaper, advancing the image by a single second every hour. The result is an interesting household object that makes something new of even the most familiar film.

The idea occurred to designer and engineer Bryan Boyer during one of those times we all have where we are sitting at home thinking of ways to celebrate slowness.

“Can a film be consumed at the speed of reading a book?” he asked himself, slowly. “Slowing things down to an extreme measure creates room for appreciation of the object… but the prolonged duration also starts to shift the relationship between object, viewer, and context. A film watched at 1/3,600th of the original speed is not a very slow movie, it’s a hazy timepiece. A Very Slow Movie Player (VSMP) doesn’t tell you the time; it helps you see yourself against the smear of time.”

The Very Slow Movie Player is an e-paper display attached to a Raspberry Pi board; you load a movie onto the latter, and it processes and displays a single frame at a time, updating the screen with a new one every two and a half minutes.

That adds up to 24 frames per hour, as opposed to the usual 24 frames per second — 3,600 times slower than normal viewing, and producing a (perhaps) 7-or-8,000-hour tableau you view over the course of a year or so.

“It is impossible to ‘watch’ in a traditional way because it’s too slow. In a staring contest with VSMP you will always lose,” writes Boyer in a post explaining the project. “It can be noticed, glanced at, or even inspected, but not watched.”

He compares it to the work of Bill Viola, whose super-slow-motion portraits are similarly impossible to watch from start to finish (unless you’re very, very patient) and therefore exist in a sort of limbo between motion picture and still image.

The image itself leaves something to be desired, of course: e-paper is essentially 1-bit color depth — black and white. So the subtleties of color you might see in any film, color or no, will be lost to dithering.

The way it’s done helps highlight the contrasts and zones of a scene, though if you really want to appreciate Rear Window as cinema, you can watch it any time you like. But if you want to appreciate it as a process, as a relationship with time, as an object and image that exists in the context of the rest of the world and your life… for that, you have the Very Slow Movie Player.

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Author: Devin Coldewey

Put down your phone if you want to innovate

We are living in an interstitial period. In the early 1980s we entered an era of desktop computing that culminated in the dot-com crash — a financial bubble that we bolstered with Y2K consulting fees and hardware expenditures alongside irrational exuberance over . That last interstitial era, an era during which computers got smaller, weirder, thinner and more powerful, ushered us, after a long period of boredom, into the mobile era in which we now exist. If you want to help innovate in the next decade, it’s time to admit that phones, like desktop PCs before them, are a dead-end.

We create and then brush up against the edges of our creation every decade. The speed at which we improve — but not innovate — is increasing, and so the difference between a 2007 iPhone and a modern Pixel 3 is incredible. But what can the Pixel do that the original iPhone or Android phones can’t? Not much.

We are limited by the use cases afforded by our current technology. In 1903, a bike was a bike and could not fly. Until the Wright Brothers and others turned forward mechanical motion into lift were we able to lift off. In 2019 a phone is a phone and cannot truly interact with us as long as it remains a separate part of our bodies. Until someone looks beyond these limitations will we be able to take flight.

While I won’t posit on the future of mobile tech, I will note that until we put our phones away and look at the world anew we will do nothing of note. We can take better photos and FaceTime each other, but until we see the limitations of these technologies we will be unable to see a world outside of them.

We’re heading into a new year (and a new CES) and we can expect more of the same. It is safe and comfortable to remain in the screen-hand-eye nexus, creating VR devices that are essentially phones slapped to our faces and big computers that now masquerade as TVs. What, however, is the next step? Where do these devices go? How do they change? How do user interfaces compress and morph? Until we actively think about this we will remain stuck.

Perhaps you are. You’d better hurry. If this period ends as swiftly and decisively as the other ones before it, the opportunity available will be limited at best. Why hasn’t VR taken off? Because it is still on the fringes, being explored by people stuck in mobile thinking. Why is machine learning and AI so slow? Because the use cases are aimed at chatbots and better customer interaction. Until we start looking beyond the black mirror (see what I did?) of our phones, innovation will fail.

Every app launched, every pictured scrolled, every tap, every hunched-over moment davening to some dumb Facebook improvement is a brick in the bulwark against an unexpected and better future. So put your phone down this year and build something. Soon it might be too late.

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Author: John Biggs

This wristband detects an opiate overdose

A project by students at Carnegie Mellon could save lives. Called the HopeBand, the wristband senses low blood oxygen levels and sends a text message and sounds an alarm if danger is imminent.

“Imagine having a friend who is always watching for signs of overdose; someone who understands your usage pattern and knows when to contact [someone] for help and make sure you get help,” student Rashmi Kalkunte told IEEE. “That’s what the HopeBand is designed to do.”

The team won third place in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Opioid Challenge at the Health 2.0 conference in September and they are planning to send the band to a needle exchange program in Pittsburgh. They hope to sell it for less than $20.

Given the more than 72,000 overdose deaths in America this year, a device like this could definitely keep folks a little safer.

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Author: John Biggs