How to Turn On WhatsApp’s New Dark Mode

It’s always worth celebrating when your favorite app gets a dark mode—at least, for those of us who prefer white text on a black background than the more annoying, brighter alternative. WhatsApp is the latest app to join the gloomier fun (on Android, at least), but you’ll have to jump through a hoop or two if you want…

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Author: David Murphy

Buying frozen hash browns is not only acceptable, but encouraged

I’m a champion of homemade things. Ricotta cheese is a hundred times more flavorful when you take the time to boil a little milk and strain it through cheesecloth. Chicken stock has more depth when it’s simmered on a stove for eight hours. Pasta has an irreplaceable, fluffy, eggy texture when you decide to strain your…

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Author: Danny Palumbo on The Takeout, shared by Virginia K. Smith to Lifehacker

Why a Major Doctors’ Organization Has Endorsed Single-Payer Health Care

More and more doctors are throwing their support behind plans in which the government would provide health insurance for many or all Americans. The American College of Physicians just released a position paper endorsing single payer and public option health policies, with an explanation of why it believes such…

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Author: Beth Skwarecki on Vitals, shared by Beth Skwarecki to Lifehacker

The All-Upgrades Episode of The Upgrade

In this week’s episode, Alice and Melissa revisit their Upgrades of the Week from past episodes and see how they’ve held up, from chrome extensions to shifts in mindset. There’s a little bit of pride, a little bit of shame, and a whole lot of improvement. You’ll be so perfect by the end of this episode you won’t know…

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Author: Micaela Heck