Upgrade Your Closet With These Under-$20 Items

The beginning of the year is a time when many people take stock of their closets and try to lend a bit of order to what are notoriously organization-challenged spaces. If you’re one of those people, you might want to consider some of these low-cost but big-impact upgrades to your closet!

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Author: Jolie Kerr on The Inventory, shared by Tercius to Lifehacker

How to Close Your Authorized User Credit Card Without Hurting Your Credit Score

Becoming an authorized user for someone else’s credit card has benefits well beyond being able to hop onto someone else’s credit limit. It’s one of the easiest ways to quickly build history on your credit report if you’re just getting started using credit. But what if you reach a point in your life when you want to…

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Author: Lisa Rowan on Two Cents, shared by Lisa Rowan to Lifehacker

The Complete Guide to Failing Lifts

If heavy barbells scare you, you’re not alone. Until you have a bit of experience (both lifting and watching others lift) you may feel slightly terrified at the thought of a bar crashing down on you if you don’t make a lift. Fortunately, fails stop being scary once you learn what actually happens when you fail. So…

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Author: Beth Skwarecki on Vitals, shared by Beth Skwarecki to Lifehacker

Should You Make Your Kids Send Thank You Notes?

If I’d had to guess, I would have told you pre-motherhood that I would be the type of parent who would be a stickler for having her kid send thank you cards after receiving birthday or holiday gifts. You can probably sense where this is going.

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Author: Meghan Moravcik Walbert on Offspring, shared by Meghan Moravcik Walbert to Lifehacker