The Best Cocktail Hacks of 2019

I don’t know if I can speak for everyone, but 2019 was a year that required—nay, demanded—I consume more than a few cocktails. This was bad news for my liver, but great news for my readers, as all that drinking resulted in a lot of cocktail-related pondering and testing, as well as some truly great cocktail hacks.

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Author: Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Claire Lower to Lifehacker

The Most Controversial Money Stories of 2019

Life would be boring without healthy debate, but holy cow, y’all: The comments section on this here website is not for the faint of heart. This year’s most-commented posts reveal how polarizing certain money topics can be. From the simple task of filling your gas tank to thinking about taxes and the presidential…

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Author: Lisa Rowan on Two Cents, shared by Lisa Rowan to Lifehacker

How to Wipe Your Existence from the Internet

With near-daily news about data breaches, hacks, and privacy problems, it’s not unreasonable to want to disappear from the internet. Maybe you’re sick of horribly embarrassing things showing up when potential employers Google your name. Or tired of everyone knowing you live in a garden level dungeon apartment? Or…

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Author: Thorin Klosowski and Emily Long