How to Unclog a Drain

Whether it’s in the kitchen or the bathroom, a clogged drain is incredibly annoying. It’s really not something you can ignore—at least for long—because you probably don’t want to inadvertently flood your floor, or lose the use of your sink, tub, or toilet. So what’s a homeowner or renter to do?

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Author: Alan Henry

How to React If Your Kid Is Using Drugs

When it comes to our kids and drugs, we tend to focus on prevention—and rightfully so. We think about how to be good role models when it comes to substance use; we talk to them early and often about the dangers of drugs, peer pressure and hanging out with the wrong crowd. But what about when we do all of that and…

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Author: Meghan Moravcik Walbert on Offspring, shared by Meghan Moravcik Walbert to Lifehacker

Make Your Own Marshmallow Fluff for Better Yams

I have never needed marshmallows on my yams (or sweet potatoes, depending which tuber you grab). Sweet potatoes and the like are sweet enough—it’s in the name—and topping them with cloud of broiled sugar and gelatin has always seemed a little redundant (though not unwelcome).

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Author: Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Claire Lower to Lifehacker

Should You Invest in Art?

Collecting art as an investment can seem like a lofty goal for those who don’t have a background in the art world. As much as you enjoy and appreciate art, you’re probably not in a financial place where buying a Picasso is an option. But that doesn’t mean you can’t invest in art at all. New platforms are cropping up…

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Author: Lisa Rowan on Two Cents, shared by Lisa Rowan to Lifehacker

How Much Should You Spend On A Car Based On Your Income?

As Jalopnik’s resident car buying expert and professional car shopper, I get emails. Lots of emails. I’ve decided to pick a few questions and try to help out. This week we are discussing how to budget for a car based on a percentage of your income, smallish SUVs for taller folks and buying an extended warranty on an…

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Author: Tom McParland on Jalopnik, shared by Virginia K. Smith to Lifehacker