Stop Force Closing Your Apps

Constantly force closing apps is a bad habit many of us have formed over the years. We were told it helps improve battery life and makes our phones run faster. But the truth is, it can actually have the opposite effect. In the video above, I explain why we should all stop force closing apps.

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Author: Abu Zafar

When to Share Personal Issues at Work

If you’re going through a period of stress in your personal life, should you bring it up at work? At what point should you tell your supervisor about a personal issue that might be affecting your job performance? Are there situations in which sharing details about your personal life at work might be seen as a bad idea?

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Author: Nicole Dieker

Use an Old Pickle Jar to Measure the Perfect Amount of Brine

Most pickle recipes—even fridge-pickle recipes—are for making many jars of pickles, but if you live in a tiny space, or want many jars of several different types of pickled vegetables, these large-format ratios can be kind of annoying to scale down. But you don’t really need a recipe to make fridge pickles; you just…

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Author: Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Claire Lower to Lifehacker