Christensen v. Lightbourne

(Supreme Court of California) – Affirmed. The Appeals court held that the current policy of the California Department of Social Services treating court-ordered child support as income and using the same funds twice as income for both the paying household and the receiving household does not violate the Welfare and Institutions Code section 11005.5.

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Nine Clever Home Clutter Cures That’ll Get Your House In Order

There are certain organizing solutions we all know–I’m talking about laundry baskets, drawer organizers, and shoe racks. But what about the organizing problems we don’t even realize we have, or realize there are solutions to, like ice cube trays that hog freezer space, or toilet paper rolls that are always out of…

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Author: Marshall Bright on The Inventory, shared by Tercius to Lifehacker

How to Not Lose Yourself After Having a Baby

Maybe it’s an old photo that does it. A picture of yourself in your previous life. You look at the spark you once had and and then you look at your world now—it’s consumed by a child who needs, needs, needs. You suddenly wonder: How did I get here?

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Author: Michelle Woo on Offspring, shared by Michelle Woo to Lifehacker