What Life Is Like for a Child With ADHD

Kids with ADHD can seem unfocused, indecisive, impulsive and undisciplined. But they’re actually experiencing and processing the world around us in a different way. Gaining a little insight into their perspective—and understanding that it’s not simply a matter of them needing to sit still and focus—can go a long way…

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Author: Meghan Moravcik Walbert on Offspring, shared by Meghan Moravcik Walbert to Lifehacker

How to Fix a Stinky Sink

Sinks—and running water in general—are wonderful things. Hot or cold water, whenever we want it, straight out of a tap conveniently located in our own homes? It’s pretty great. But sometimes, sinks get stinky. If it’s your kitchen sink, the stench is probably coming from rotting food stuck in your drain. A smell from…

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How I became an Instant Pot ribs convert

I temper my expectations when I read “contraption recipes,” the dishes involving slow cookers and Instant Pots, air fryers and the like. I am always ready to be disappointed at what is surely (in my mind) a substitution for the real, time-consuming version of that dish. I don’t like substitutions, much less short…

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Author: A.E. Dwyer on The Takeout, shared by Virginia K. Smith to Lifehacker