How to Stretch That Last Bit of Maple Syrup

Imagine, if you will, a nightmare scenario: You have made a pile of delicious breakfast carbs. They might be fluffy pancakes. They could be pillowy French toast. They are hot and buttered and ready for action. But then you open the fridge and find that you are nearly out of maple syrup.

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Author: Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Claire Lower to Lifehacker

Ten Tips From the OBA Opening Your Law Practice Program

Most of my blog posts are not Oklahoma-specfic, but this one does mention some OBA resources. It also contain links to much useful free content for anyone opening a new law practice anywhere.

Each year we have a free program for lawyers who are opening a new law practice. The next programs are scheduled September 16, 2019 in Tulsa at the Tulsa County Bar Association and September 18 in Oklahoma City at the Oklahoma Bar Center. We will be sharing registration information with our bar members soon. We also have an Opening Your Law Practice page with links and some downloadable articles for anyone that many will find useful. Your attention is particularly directed to the two papers at the top-listed links.

I did a “takeaways” column after one of these programs called Ten Tips From the OBA Opening Your Law Practice Program. I  wanted to share this because it contains some great tips mixed in with OBA member resources. So if you know someone who is about to embark on setting up a law practice, whether they are a 3L or a partner who is leaving their firm, share the link to this blog post with them and also suggest they might subscribe to get my future blog posts via email or RSS feed. If you are interested in the topics covered at the upcoming Opening Your Law Practice program, here’s the schedule of what we think is important to know. We have updated a lot for this program.

Another major new resource for Oklahoma lawyers is Oklahoma Bar Intellidrafts. One of the challenges for new lawyers is locating forms and other guides for document drafting. The lawyer will add their own touches and customizations to legal forms, but it is much easier not to begin drafting with a blank Word document. For many years, the Oklahoma Bar Association, like many bar associations, sold an OBA form book. But to better serve our members, we have now released Oklahoma Bar Intellidrafts, legal form templates powered by automated document assembly tools. We have even included an automated Oklahoma child support computation form. This service includes my two biggest requirements: 1) The output is in a Word document so the lawyer can easily make any customizations and edits that they wish, and 2) the lawyer can save the data so if there are subsequent documents on a client matter you can only enter new data and you don’t have to re-enter the previously-entered information. This will be very useful on multistage pleading matters like probate proceedings. Lawyers saving time with document drafting should result in lower fees for their clients. Read my column on Oklahoma Bar Intellidrafts from the Oklahoma Bar Journal and, if you are an Oklahoma Bar member you can subscribe to the service at the Oklahoma Bar Intellidrafts site. If you cancel your subscription within the first 30 days, your credit card will not be charged, so yes, there is a free trial.

This week I am taking a look back at a few things I should have blogged about in 2018, but didn’t. More details on the reasons why later.

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Author: Jim Calloway